
Bus vomiter

Yesterday a young man two feet away from me vomited and made me lose my iPod Touch.

He was at the seat in front of me (and I was in the sideways seat, so facing the direction he turned to go stomach-suprise in). He covered it with his hand like a cough, I think that was a bad decision.

This was on the bus, and it happened right as the bus was stopping. So without even wiping his hand he just ran off the bus. Then the bus driver just started driving! Here was the thing that made me lose my iPod Touch, because I had been reading it at the time, and set it down without realizing as I jumped to the front of the bus to tell the driver "Hey a dude vomited." Now that I was at the front of the bus, I wasn't going to walk back. That would have been pretty weird. I mean the rest of the people in the back were just sitting there but it was all sliding around, it wasn't a good place to be. The bus driver kept going for two more stops before leaving his seat. I left since I was with my bike and didn't need to wait. I did not perceive that I was missing my iPod Touch until just before going to bed.

(I realize that leaving my seat just to tell the bus driver about vomit was a questionable action. I could have instead yelled this information to the driver from where I was, and not lost my iPod Touch. But I don't believe in yelling in public. If a person starts yelling in public, whatever the reason, really they are just a doctor's note away from being an official crazy person. I don't want to become a crazy person. I stand by my choices.)

What I reflected on during the pleasant bike-ride home, was how un-upset the vomiting man made me. It was clear why: he was a handsome young dude. I really sympathized with him, and hoped he was well soon. Maybe he has super-tragic cancer! When a handsome person vomits, you just assume they have a really good reason, and that it isn't a product of poor life decisions. I bet if I were a girl and that guy vomited on me, I would have given him my phone number. Maybe he needs a sad wife to watch him die of tragic Young Man Cancer.

Whereas, if that had been some old dude with wrinkles and stuff, I imagine I would have been really more worried and upset about being 10% vomited on.

Wherever you are vomiting handsome dude, I hope you don't have cancer.

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